When I heard Falcon say that if elected, he would move the "Ministry of Forests office" to PG, I immediately texted a few coworkers in "that office" and said, "I think BCU might have my vote just to see if he can make this happen!" 😂

In any case, I don't think Mr Falcon realizes just how many staff work in Victoria, and how many offices there actually are for Forests. Remote work is more and more accepted now, driven by both the pandemic and the new-ish head of the PSA and Deputy Premier, Shannon Salter, as part of recruitment and retention strategies for the BC Gov (you know, housing costs, we do have forests off-island, and it IS 2024 and technology makes it possible). Many of us work remote for Victoria in PG and other communities, large and small, already in local offices and at home. That includes the Chief Forester and Deputy Minister of Forests. So Mr Falcon can move "the office" but there will be a lot of people in Victoria who will just become remote workers to Prince George. 😊

(P.S. Didn't Andrew Wilkinson promise that he would move the Premier's Office to PG if elected, or at least open a second office?)

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City of Prince George BC is in deep trouble with Road Maintenance; they put Off Ice-Blading with a Heavy Grader, gone away from Salt Brine a Grit and slid towards Calcium Chloride solution and fine sand, but not lately. It's warming up, and assuredly not ready for the packed White Ice, slick as it was last Nightshift, it's going to become way worse

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