RE: the Canadian news blocking - I brought back the 90s by downloading an RSS reader (since Outlook for Macs doesn't include it as a feature, for some dumb reason), and starting to load it up with news feeds. Not every site has an RSS feed (looking at you, PG citizen), but it's a start.
THE GONDOLA!! I feel like that such PG niche lore - as someone who came to PG from out of town to attend UNBC I didn’t learn about this until my 3rd year here!
RE: the Canadian news blocking - I brought back the 90s by downloading an RSS reader (since Outlook for Macs doesn't include it as a feature, for some dumb reason), and starting to load it up with news feeds. Not every site has an RSS feed (looking at you, PG citizen), but it's a start.
THE GONDOLA!! I feel like that such PG niche lore - as someone who came to PG from out of town to attend UNBC I didn’t learn about this until my 3rd year here!