Thank you so much for including Rikki's letter! It's so great to see this voice included in the discussion and I agree with all of it! The current lived experience for so many folks accessing safe supply is so important to get a grasp on and Rikki does an amazing job of illuminating it.

Not meaning to be a terribly nit-picky nerd, but I did want to offer the following points to hopefully add even more clarity:

1) Methadone, Kadian and Suboxone are NOT safe supply medications. They have been used FOR YEARS to treat opioid use disorder. In November 2023 the BCCSU released their new guidelines for the clinical management of opioid use disorder and were very explicit in classifying all three of these medications as Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) medications and not safe supply. 'Safer supply' in the case of this 'vibes based police release' (love) is referring to hydromorphone (brand name dilaudid), that was implemented by the BCCSU in their risk mitigation guidelines document back in 2021.

2) Withdrawal from opioids itself is not fatal, in certain cases complications from it (ie: prolonged vomiting) can lead to life threatening conditions, however benzo withdrawal is far more risky and can lead to seizures and fatalities. So, when the street supply of fentanyl is mixed with illicit benzodiazepines (as it is in nearly every case), it is the acute withdrawal from the benzos that is more likely to be life threatening. THIS IS NOT TO SUGGEST THAT OPIOID WITHDRAWAL IS A GOOD TIME. It is horrible and often people FEEL like they're going to die. In the case of the street drugs right now, people are essentially being made dependent on a substance they never intended to be taking in the first place (the benzos). In many cases the street drugs are also mixed with a variety of other substances that are often unknown and unable to be picked up by drug testing machines, leading to the term 'toxic drug crisis' because this is what is killing people at an alarming rate all across the province.

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Thank you for adding these details! I certainly don't feel like the most informed person to be talking about safe supply programs, but neither are the RCMP right now, so I felt I had to say SOMETHING

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Great to hear from someone who has seen the differences in people accessing safe supply. I can appreciate both perspectives. Yes, there are many, many people who are being supported and helped by safe supply. At the same time, there may well be widespread diversion. The two are not mutually exclusive. The question is how to continue the improvements on the one hand and minimize the trafficking on the other. Can we talk about that?

I'm hopeful about the direction the Stolzes will take the Citizen, and hopeful that we get some further local coverage. Sorry to see Neil go, but I'm also hopeful that whoever takes over will encourage a broad range of perspectives.

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Widespread diversion of safe supply tells me that there is a demand for regulated, predictable medications. People are buying safe supply from the street markets because safe supply is still extremely difficult to access.

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