I suspect the drop in NDP votes since the 1990s in the Prince George ridings could well be place at the foot of the decline in organized labour and a shift in the forest sector away from vertical integration (which created unified unions) toward subcontracting (which created a non-union sea of 'small business'). Some major changes took place in the industrial sector between the 1980s and 1990s that led to reduced labour force throughout the region. I also put some of the responsibility at the door of anti-Indigenous sentiments in the resource extraction sectors wherein First Nations rights are seen as antithetical to the small to medium sized non-Indigenous owned businesses.

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I came here to say the same thing: the decline in organized labour in the north could very well explain those highs in mid-80, early 90s. Your thoughts are much more in depth than mine with little coffee in my so far, however. :)

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