Thank you for sharing about the Winter Art Market tomorrow, Andrew! Sounds like it will be a great day to be out around downtown :)

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Also a craft fair at west side academy, saturday from 10 to 4. Its a fundraiser for them directly.

The list of vendors looks great. My kid and I have been crafting away for our little table.

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There is a Craft Fair at Duchess Park 10- 4 PM Saturday and Sunday

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okay, so Burnaby is most stable for most natural disasters. BUT who has the population that is more prepared to go off grid and survive if things go terribly, huh???

We have friends who are pretty much Burnaby residents for life. They don't even want to know where their steaks come from (yes, dears, it comes from a real live, and now dead, doe-eyed animal), they're that soft. We love them dearly and even though I've been a vegetarian for decades, I'll buckle down and snare me something to eat if the zombie apocalypse happens. I'm pretty sure Burnaby will just curl up and die.

Feel better yet?

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Friday night...selling Meat Draw Tickets )4:30 - 6:30 and dining at the Legion. There is a band starting at 8:00. Country Music by The Wranglers.

Saturday night ...off to dance at Hart Pioneer Center, Music by B Side. Starts at 8:00

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Northern Bc Queer Connections is hosting a “Big Gay Weekend”! We have a dance at ignite tonight with presale tickets sold out with go go dancers and a food truck, a family friendly hike to Shane lake with a campfire on Saturday at 2pm and queer brunch at the Carmel Sunday morning 11-2pm!

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LA promotions has bouncey castles set up at the kinsmen for families Friday and Saturday.

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