The dental industry is quite scummy, cartel-like and incredibly non-transparent.

As a consumer, you have almost no power with dentists. They don't post prices, are often secretive about 'extra' costs or 'mark-ups' they place on insurable activities and it can be incredibly difficult to get even a cost-breakdown. This places you, the consumer at a massive disadvantage, particularly if you don't have insurance. You can't shop around. You can't compare. You have almost no idea what you are paying for.

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When I first heard about the Strong Cities thing my first thought was skepticism that we needed to spend time on something like this. Unfortunately, even a casual glance through many of PG's local Facebook pages have become horrifying in their unchecked, even *applauded* racist comments. It's kind of sickening, actually, and terrifying that it's happened so easily. Good luck to council on this one.

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"BC mining companies facing pressure to reduce their impact on the environment and engage in sustainable exploration practices as part of corporate social and environmental sustainability and responsibility initiatives may feel they can take the brakes off those efforts in trade with American partners and clients during this forthcoming Trump era."


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