looks like you and I did the same "investigation" into the Nilhts’I Ecoener Project, and got the same level of results. I was trying to figure out where it is planned, and found very little like you.

Stellat'en is working with Innergex under an investigative permit in the Nithi Mountain area. There's definitely a bit more information available for that project as per the google, and it seems they are already into the investigative phase.

This takes me back to the early 2010s (?) when companies were putting up little weather and wind towers all over between Vanderhoof and PG, trying to find the sweet windy spot and get in on that call for power. And none got there, although Nulki Hills was the most promising (albeit had a lot of pushback because it is an important moose calving ground, I believe? Big wetlands, some rare plants/ecosystems, popular guiding and hunting area, non-motorized access, etc).

Will be interesting to see how this process goes without the environmental assessment requirement...

Edit: I'm commenting as I read your post, Andrew!

THIS: "I’m thinking about this because last year I learned about something called Jevons Paradox which holds that as production of something becomes more efficient, rather than use less energy to get thing, it simply generates more demand."

I learned about Jevons Paradox during a podcast on my many long drives to and from the Peace this summer. I told/educated my husband about this since he is the guy who replaces old bulbs with LEDs and I say "hey, turn off the lights if you aren't using him" and his response is "but they are LEDs". Energy conservation doesn't seem to a priority any more. SIGH.

Also, just remembered a tidbit of gossip for you: Kiel Giddens and James Steidle were having a chit chat at the Tim Horton's on 15th on Saturday morning, just one table over from us. Intrigue!!

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Thank you Andrew for this excellent and incredibly informative post today - and thanks as well to 4streegrrl for adding more about the wind power generation stuff up here.

I had to dig into 'renewable diesel' a bit because it's new to me - I know about conventional (of course) and remember when biodiesel started increasing in popularity. "Like biodiesel, renewable diesel is not a fossil fuel. Instead, it is made of nonpetroleum renewable resources such as natural fats, vegetable oils (ie soybean oil), and greases. ... Renewable diesel differs from biodiesel, however, in how it’s processed. Renewable diesel is processed similar to the way petroleum diesel is produced, which makes it chemically the same as petroleum diesel." This comes with none of the downsides of biodiesel (storage and cold weather issues, and the need to have at least a bit of conventional diesel mixed in), burns cleaner, and requires no engine or infrastructure modifications. (Source: https://www.government-fleet.com/156621/what-you-need-to-know-about-renewable-diesel). The Canada Energy Regulator released a market snapshot last May (https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-markets/market-snapshots/2023/market-snapshot-new-renewable-diesel-facilities-will-help-reduce-carbon-intensity-fuels-canada.html) which includes a chart showing demand of the three diesel types - which ALSO shows the Jevons Paradox at play, with a slight increase of demand for conventional and sharp increases for bio and renewable from 2010 to 2021, more than doubling Canada's total demand from 10.75 thousand barrels per day (Mb/d) to 24.5Mb/d. WILD!

Tidewater in PG was expecting a renewables facility to come online is 2023 (their website hasn't been updated) that would generate 3Mb/d, alongside their conventional diesel and gas production (https://www.tidewatermidstream.com/our-operations/).

Wow I've learned A LOT first thing on a Tuesday as a result of this newsletter - thanks!!!!!

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Kiel Giddens seems like such an anomaly in the Conservative Party.

I couldn't do it...holding my nose against the stench of Rustad and his Christian supremacist ilk.

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